Cluster System

The Cluster System started in Fiji after TC Evans in 2012. Initially it was a UN led system, however, Fiji adopted its own humanitarian coordination mechanism afterwards and it was called the Fiji Cluster System.

The Fiji Cluster System is a Government led humanitarian coordination mechanism. Currently it operates at the national strategic level throughout the DRM cycle (preparedness, response, recovery & rehab)

Cluster System


The Fiji Cluster System comprises of;

  • Inter-Cluster led by the Permanent secretary of Disaster Management;
  • 9 sectoral clusters led by the Permanent secretaries of relevant ministries;
  • Supporting partners including Fiji Red Cross Society, Fiji Council of Social Services (FCOSS), and Fiji Business Disaster Resilience Council (FBDRC). United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) plays an observer role.

The Inter-Cluster comprises of the Inter- Cluster lead, NDMO, all cluster leads and co-leads, and the supporting partners.  Inter-Cluster is the overarching mechanism for humanitarian coordination in Fiji, and is the forum for inter-operability between sectoral Clusters, sub-national humanitarian coordination and the Fijian Government.

 The Permanent Secretary for Disaster Management as the Disaster Controller under the Natural Disaster Management Act 1998 is the Inter-cluster lead and the Director NDMO as the Disaster Coordinator is the Inter cluster coordinator. 

  • There are currently 9 Clusters, each under the leadership of the Permanent Secretary of an appropriate Ministry.
  • Each sectoral Cluster coordinates the activities of actors conducting activities in that sector.
  • Each sectoral Cluster is led by the Permanent Secretary of an appropriate Ministry, who are supported by a Cluster Secretariat to coordinate humanitarian actors within the sector.

Fiji Cluster System Contact List

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